It's nice to know who you're working with

Who is Flightdeck Films?

We’re a video production company who help Aviation, Aerospace, and Defence organisations cut through the noise and connect with their audience through impactful video content.

Typically working alongside your internal marketing and communications teams.

“We need a video”

You may think you need a video. What you probably mean is you need to achieve a particular objective or outcome. Creating a video is the vehicle to connect with your audience. It’s the “why” that’s often overlooked.

Your objectives might mean you need to:

  • Inspire customers
  • Sell products
  • Promote initiatives
  • Recruit top talent
  • Give your stakeholders a voice
  • Amplify your sustainability message
  • Educate your audience

The problems you face might mean:

  • You need creative ideas, not just deliverables
  • Lack consistency of great content for social
  • Want more bang for your video budget
  • Need a trusted partner who understands your industry

Sound familiar? If you’re an ambitious brand and have a visual story you’d like us to craft, let’s see if we’re a fit.


There’s a lot of work that happens behind-the-scenes before rocking up with cameras and crew. We’ll identify opportunities where video can sit within your overall marketing plan and help you develop creative ideas. We’ll organise crew, equipment, travel, locations, and do as much of the heavy lifting as possible to ensure things run smoothly during production.


We work collaboratively with our strong network of talent from across the industry. Whether you need air-to-air content filmed from a helicopter, beautifully lit interviews of your key employees, or dynamic b-roll showcasing your operations, we have the expertise and equipment to make that happen.    

Post-production & delivery

Arguably one of the most important and time intensive parts of the process. We’ll select the best clips, build the story, apply colour-correction, music, graphics, titles, and transitions to make sure your videos match the tone and integrity of your brand.  

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